Tag: universe sandbox

Episode 27 – Early Access


Welcome to the Midwest Game Nerds Podcast!

This episode we’re talking early access games: the good, the bad, and the ugly!

While you’re listening along, don’t forget to do all of your Amazon shopping via amazon.midwestpodcastnetwork.com.  A small portion of the money you spend makes it’s way into our hands at the network and will help us continue to bring you content that you enjoy!

As always, if you like what you hear, or even if you don’t, please do send us feedback via email at midwestgamenerds@gmail.com, or via Twitter @mgnpodcast. Feedback can be anything regarding games we’ve already covered, games you want us to cover, what you like about the show, what you don’t.  Anything really!  Just communicate with us!  Let us know you’re listening and fill us in on what sort of content you want us to bring to your ears!
This week’s question of the week is:  Have you been burned by early access games? And if so, what game or games?  Being the first to answer the question of the week wins you a prize! So be quick one the draw!